Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
A20DLL.ZIP | Yes | 14685 | 9/13/1994 | A20ERR.DLL displays the reserved error messages associated with use of the Microsoft Access 2.0 jet engine. (Reg.Fee: $5+) |
BFVBDLL.ZIP | Yes | 7367 | 6/3/1994 | BFVBHLPR.DLL contains a DLL with several useful functions for use with VBWIN. (Brian W. Fry) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BMPFX.ZIP | Yes | 87302 | 4/20/1995 | VBBMPFX is an interactive demo of a DLL that provides 40 unique special effects routines for the animated display of pictures. (Advance Animation Systems) (Reg.Fee: $49) |
BSFONDAY.ZIP | Yes | 8077 | 12/13/1994 | BSFONDAY.DLL provides a function which converts existing UK phone number codes to their new form. (Alex H. Homer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CSRPLUS.ZIP | Yes | 209365 | 2/3/1995 | Cursor Plus DLL is a demo of a DLL with nearly 100 new cursors and 18 backdrop patterns for VB programmers. (Vernon L. Whitman) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
DLL4VB.ZIP | Yes | 3696 | 9/8/1992 | DLL4VB is an example of how to make a simple DLL for VB with BC++. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRVPLUS.ZIP | Yes | 61457 | 10/4/1994 | DrvPlus.DLL is a DLL with nearly three dozen drive and file functions for VB. (Vernon L. Whitman) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
EXPDLL.ZIP | Yes | 25291 | 1/25/1995 | Crystal Reports Export DLL allows PEExportTo's structure types to be set from a VB application. (Crystal Services) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
GBLIB1.ZIP | Yes | 128474 | 9/9/1994 | GBLIB1.DLL is a VB DLL with 86 different functions. (Gordon Bamber) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GBLIB1C.ZIP | Yes | 214955 | 5/3/1995 | GBLIB1c.DLL is a VB DLL with 90 different functions. (Gordon Bamber) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HAWKDES.ZIP | Yes | 65426 | 12/8/1994 | HawkDES 1.0 is a DLL which implements DES encryption of buffers and files. (Hawk Data Processing, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $499+) |
HE30VB.ZIP | Yes | 721751 | 12/21/1994 | HighEdit for VB 3.0 is a full featured word processor in a custom control which is available as a VBX and a DLL. (Pinnacle Publishing, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PEEKB.ZIP | Yes | 14505 | 3/22/1993 | PeekB is a DLL that lets you peek at protected memory. (Jim Harvey) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PPRTR44.ZIP | Yes | 41667 | 8/30/1994 | PPRTR.DLL 4.4 allows you to get a list of available printers, change the default printer, and get the default printer port. (Paul F. Poellinger) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
STRNGD.ZIP | Yes | 24152 | 8/4/1994 | String.DLL 1.2 provides fast string routines not found in Visual Basic. (Balthasar T. Inderm�hle) (Reg.Fee: $12) |
STRPLUS.ZIP | Yes | 55150 | 7/22/1994 | StrPlus.DLL adds a variety of new string functions to VB. (Vernon L. Whitman) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
TIMTOWIN.ZIP | Yes | 81876 | 12/16/1994 | Time2win.DLL is a DLL for VB3 with more over 300 routines, including arrays, bit string manipulation, date/hour/time, file version information, and many more. (Reg.Fee: $70) |
VBHLP.ZIP | Yes | 34853 | 6/24/1994 | VB-Helper 1.02 contains a DLL with support routines for Visual Basic. (Douglas Marquardt) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VBINT.ZIP | Yes | 44721 | 6/7/1994 | VBInt 1.0 is a Visual Basic DLL for the implementation of DOS/BIOS interrupts and functions. (Rick Esterling) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VBPROFX.ZIP | Yes | 105758 | 3/17/1995 | VBProFX Demo is a demo of a special effects DLL. (Advance Animation Systems) (Reg.Fee: $129) |
WAVPLUS.ZIP | Yes | 455041 | 4/3/1995 | WavPlus.DLL 2.0 provides users of VB 3.0 standard version an easy-to-understand command structure for programming WAV and MID playback and recording. (Vernon L. Whitman) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
WINFOXL.ZIP | Yes | 490680 | 3/21/1995 | WinfoXL.DLL 2.00 provides a complete information/control API with 80 major DLL functions, 94 minor DLL functions, and 68 basic functions. (Vernon L. Whitman) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
WINPS.ZIP | Yes | 22124 | 11/10/1994 | WinPS is a DLL to control the execution-flow of batchlike sequential programs. (Ulli M�hlenweg) (Reg.Fee: $18) |